Welcome to the web page
directing you to
English and Language Methodist Ministries
in Germany and beyond
We hope this website provides you with the information you are seeking about English and other language work in the Germany Central Conference of the UMC, known as the Evangelisch- methodistische Kirche.
To the right we offer links to the various language and migrant ministries as well as resources for you to use:
- Links to the individual language and migrant congregations in Germany and the surrounding area;
- New Connections is a periodic newsletter of the Office of Language and Migrant Ministries of the Germany Central Conference;
- The Resource Catalogue offers a listing of the various resources available through the Office of Language and Migrant Ministries to assist in the development of the local programs and ministries;
- The section labeled “Hospitality” includes a checklist for congregations relating to hospitality, a Bible Study on hospitality, and biblical references on hospitality.
- The Retreat Center section offers a listing of United Methodist Retreat Centers and hotels with their contact information.