Resources in the Office of the Coordinator of English Language and Migrant Ministries
Resources listed here can be borrowed by contacting:
Migrant Ministries and International Churches
Germany Central Conference
The United Methodist Church
Dielmannstraße 26
60599 Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
Phone: +44 69 242521-19
Fax: +44 69 242521-29
Worship Resources
Candles and Conifers: Resources for All Saints and Advent by Ruth Burgess (Iona Community) Wild Goose Publications 2005, reprinted 2007
Worship and liturgical resources for the Christian calendar from All Saints Day through Advent and Christmas Eve including World AIDS Day.
Fire and Bread: Resources for Easter Day to Trinity by Ruth Burgess (Iona Community) Wild Goose Publications 2006
Worship and liturgical resources for the Christian calendar from Easter to Trinity including Pentecost and Ascension Day. Includes such resources and The Bible in about an hour, Joining Church, Environmental days, and Eucharist.
The Africana Worship Book Year A (with CD) edited by Valerie Bridgeman Davis and Safiyah Fosua
Discipleship Resources 2006
This is primarily a resource for African American worship but has liturgies which focus on resources for worship as well as grief and loss. Included are litanies and choral readings, baptism and communion resources as well as resources for special days.
Making Liturgy: Creating Rituals for Worship and Life edited by Dorothea McEwan, pat Pinsent, Ianthe Pratt and Veronica Seddon Pilgrim Press 2001
In this book you will find text on how to make your own liturgy. The last three-quarters of the book is sample liturgies including liturgies based on Seasons, Themes and Women.
Igniting Worship Series: The Seven Deadly Sins by Eric Elnes and The Studio
Abingdon Press 2004
Contemporary multi-sensory and multi-media worship experiences and planning ideas from Scottsdale Congregational United Church of Christ.
Iona Abbey Worship Book from The Iona Community
Wild Goose Publications 2005
Services and resources from the Iona Community which reflect their commitment to the belief that worship is all that we are and all that we do with no division of secular and sacred. Prayers, liturgies, songs and psalms.
Holy Ground: Liturgies and worship resources for an engaged spirituality by Neil Paynter and Helen Boothroyd Wild Goose Publications 2005
Liturgies and worship resources reflecting the world in which we live. Addresses issues of peace, reconciliation, aging, prejudice, human rights, injustice, etc.
Come Worship with Me: A Journey through the Church Year written by Ruth Boling, illustrated by Tracey Dahle Carrier Geneva Press, Louisville, KY, 2001
A book for children explaining the Church Year. Includes various Christian symbols and crosses.
Soaring Where Christ has Led: Innovative Worship Ideas for the 21st Century by Richard Avery and Donald Marsh CSS Publishing Company, Inc., Lima, Ohio 2002
Innovative ideas and suggestions for worship and music during the church seasons. Few liturgies but many ideas.
At the Breaking of the Bread: the Methodist Worship Book Communion Series
Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes 2001
Communion resources for the church year from the Methodist Church of Britain.
Resources for Preaching and Worship: Year B: Quotations, Meditations, Poetry, and Prayers
Compiled by Hannah Ward and Jennifer Wild
Westminster John Knox Press Louisville, Kentucky 2002
A collection of resources relating to the Scripture texts for each Sunday of the year using the Common Lectionary for Year B.
Roots: Worship
A magazine published every other month by the Methodist Publishing House with worship resources. Website:
Fresh Winds of the Spirit, Book 2: Liturgical Resources for Year A by Lavon Bayler
The Pilgrim Press, Cleveland, Ohio, 44115, 1992
Liturgical resources for the entire church year using the Common Lectionary for year A. This book also includes hymn texts with common meter suggestions.
On Frequent Journeys: Worship Resources on Uprooted Peoples edited by Rebekah Chevalier
United Church Publishing House, Toronto, Ontario 1997
A worship resource for working with the worlds uprooted peoples in response to the World Council of Churches Ecumenical Year of Churches in Solidarity with the Uprooted. Includes worship services and liturgies as well as prayers and litanies.
All-Age Warship: Peace in your time a definitive guide to family services without the grief by Tim Storey, Kevin Mayhew LTD Buxhall, Stowmarket, Suffolk, IP14 3BW, 2005
A short, simple guide for doing family (all-age) worship services theory and practice.
Lets Sing Together/ Cantiamo Insieme Kristin Markay, editor
Sponsored by the Committee for the Multicultural Pastorate of the 2nd District of the Waldensian and Methodist Churches Easter 2007
A bilingual hymnal in English and Italian used in the Milan International Church.
General Services for Christian Worship in the Methodist Tradition: A Resource based on The United Methodist Book of Worship for Leaders Preparing Indigenous Worship Resources for New Churches
The General Board of Discipleship, 2000
Includes core services for congregational life: word and table, baptism, Christian marriage and Christian burial.
Gifts if Many Cultures: Worship Resources for the Global Community by Maren C. Tirabassi and Kathy Wonson Eddy
United Church Press Cleveland, Ohio 1995
Multicultural resources including art for worship.
Sunday School and Educational Resources
Childrens Ministry: a practical guide by Doug Swanney and Steve Pearce
Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes 2007
Adapted from the Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation series by Cokesbury. Helps in starting childrens ministries in the local church.
One Room Sunday School Class Pak Winter 2007: Gods Word for Gods Children for ages 3 through Middle School , Abingdon Press
A Resource with Reproducible Activities, Teacher Book, Class Pak and Compact Disc.
Single Digit Youth Groups 2: More Activities Plus Mission Ideas by Marcey Balcomb Abingdon Press 2006
The second book in a series dealing with working with youth groups with fewer than 10 teens. Inspiration and ideas for activities. Marcey´s youth ministry was recently chosen to be studied in the Lilly Foundation-sponsored Study of Exemplary Congregations in Youth Ministry.
Forbid Them Not: Involving Children in Sunday Worship, Year C, by Carolyn C. Brown
Abingdon Press, 1991, 1994
This series shows how to create meaningful worship experiences for all who come to church of all ages, including children. This resources includes reproducible worksheets related to each Sunday, sermon illustrations, connects Scriptures to childrens lives.
Finding Your Way Through the Bible: New Revised Standard Version A self-instruction book for elementary boys and girls by Dr. and Mrs. Paul B. Maves
Graded Press 1968, Abingdon Press 2007
This is a great resource for children to use when they receive a Bible from a church. This workbook in which a child is taken through a self-taught experience in learning about the Bible, can be found for almost every English translation.
Come Worship with Me: A Journey through the Church Year written by Ruth Boling, illustrated by Tracey Dahle Carrier Geneva Press Louisville, KY 2001
A book for children explaining the Church Year. Includes various Christian symbols and crosses.
The Baptism Cube, The Communion Cube, The Lords Prayer Cube
Church House Publishing
Simple block cubes teaching children the basics of baptism, communion and the Lords
Exploring Faith Middle Elementary Teacher and Student for Winter 2007-08.
Example of one of Cokesburys Sunday School resources
Keeping It Real: Exploring choices with 9-13 year olds: Communication Reuptation Conflict Negotiation
A resource from the MethodistChildren series from the Methodist Church in Britain.
Stories of Everyday Saints by Veronica Heley
The Bible Reading Fellowship Oxford 2002
40 stories with Bible links and related activities. Includes photocopy permission.
Services: Worship Feast 50 Complete Multisensory Services for Youth by Reverend Daniel S. White, Tom Gossett, Beth Miller, Jonathon Norman, Jennifer A. Youngman
Abingdon Press 2003
Diverse non-traditional multisensory worship services suitable for youth and adults in various settings. Specifically for children in urban situation.
Peace Builders: Children for Peace
The Connexional Team of the Methodist Church of Britain
An ecumenical and international resource teaching about peace.
Get a Grip: Hands on Christianity by Steve Mallon, Stewart Cutler, Linda Galvin
Parish Education Publications, 2000
A resource for youth to talk about faith issues such as crime and punishment, sustainable development, religion, the real meaning of Christmas, how can I believe, and what to do with ones life.
Tweens in Transition (Teacher) Winter 2007-2008/ Faithzine Winter 2007-2008
A example of the teacher and student resources of the United Methodist Church for early teenage classes.
In the Zone: Playing Life Gods Way Teacher Guide and Student Journal by Randy Horick
Abingdon Press 2005
Curriculum for 12-15 year olds on faithful living as followers of Christ. Includes reproducible pages, retreat suggestions and worship service.
Bible Lessons for Youth: Winter 2007-2008 Leaders Guide and Student Book
Youth Bible Study based on the International Bible Lessons for Christian Teaching.
Claim the Name: Confirmation Teaching Plans 39 Weeks
Cokesbury 2000
Confirmation resources for 6th to 8th graders continuing for a whole school year. This is the teachers guide with detailed lesson plans and ideas.
Lay Speaking Ministries: Youth Basic Course by Mark Young
Interpretation Bible Studies: John by Mark A. Matson (2 copies)
Westminster John Knox Press 2002
Interpretation Bible Studies: Genesis by Celia Brewer Marshall
Westminster John Knox Press 1999
Bible study resource for adults and older youth in the tradition of the Interpretation commentary series. User-friendly
Genesis: Genesis to Revelation Series: Student Book by Walter Harrelson
Graded Press 1981, Revised Edition Abingdon press 1997
Adult Bible study series based student book. Teachers guide available. This study includes all other books of the Bible are available.
Questions of faith: Exploring Prayer by Sue Mayfield
Lion Hudson plc 2007
A study book for small groups or individuals looking at the different aspects and ways of praying.
Respect: A resource to help your group think further about relationships
The Methodist Church (Britain) 2005
A resource for small groups addressing the issues of respect for self and others, childlessness, cohabitating, divorce and marriage after divorce, generation gap, marriage, marriage across faith boundaries, same sex relationships, sexual activity, singleness, step relationships, and transgender issues.
The Fabulous Reinvention of Sunday School by Aaron Reynolds
Zondervan Press 2007 by Willow Creek Association
Full of ideas for childrens ministries of all sorts from pre-school to after school programs to Sunday mornings. Encourages transformational and dynamic Bible teaching.
Sample copies of Weavings and Alive Now are available at the office.
A resource packet on Scouting Ministries in the UMC is available.
General Resources
Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations by Robert Schnase Abingdon Press 2007
Five fundamental practices radical hospitality, passionate worship, intentional faith development, risk-taking mission and service and extravagant generosity are defined as they demonstrate healthy congregations whose mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Meeting God at the Boundaries: Cross-Cultural-Cross-Racial Clergy Appointments A Manual for Church Leaders by Lucia Ann McSpadden General Board of Higher Education and Ministry 2006
An analysis of the struggles, joys and opportunities facing clergy and congregations as they experience dross-cultural-cross-racial ministry in the UMC.
Into the Far Country: A Theology of Mission for an Age of Violence by Tom Stuckey
Epworth Press 2003
A rethinking of mission in a global context for Christians, lay and ordained.
Building a Multi-ethnic Church by Linbert Spencer
SPCK (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ) 2007
A resource from Britain to assist church leaders to become more proactive in providing the church to reflect and encourage the ethnic diversity of their country.
Cross-Cultural Conflict, Cross-Cultural Connections, and Cross-Cultural Servanthood by Duane Elmer, InterVarsity Press
Duane Elmer is the G. W. Aldeen Professor of International Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Illinois. He and his wife have much experience in cross-cultural settings and now provide cross-cultural training to people from major companies to mission agencies to relief organizations. He has also conducted peace and reconciliation efforts in several countries. This series of 3 books provides both theoretical and practical information.
One World or Many? The impact of globalization on mission edited by Richard Tiplady
William Carey Library Pasadena, California World Evangelical Alliance Mission Commission 2003
A variety of writers from all over the world reflect on globalization and the consequent social and cultural changes such as ethnicity, global health and the environment which impact mission and traditional missional theology.
How Might We Live? Global Ethics in the New Century edited by Ken Booth, Tim Dunne & Michael Cox
Cambridge University Press, 2001
This volume addresses the dynamics of the first truly global age and asks how human societies might live. A scholarly ethics text.
A Christian View of Hospitality: Expecting Surprises by Michele Hershberger
The Giving Project Series by Herald Press 1999
An approach to holistic radical Christian hospitality with a discussion guide for use by small groups. Includes the 40 day experiment in hospitality.
Is It My Responsibility? A History of the United Methodist Church European Board of Drug and Alcohol Concerns by Henrik Frannson & Helen Byholt Lovelace
Special Program on Substance Abuse and Related Violence of the General Board of Global Ministries, 2007
An overview of the work of the United Methodist Church in Europe relating to Drug and Alcohol concerns.
The Wolf Shall Lie Down with the Lamb: A Spirituality for Leadership in a Multicultural Setting by Eric H.F. Law
Chalice Press 1993
Law, an Episcopal priest, explores the issues of power and empowerment within a multicultural church setting.
Gods Welcome: Hospitality for a Gospel-Hungry World by Amy G. Oden
The Pilgrim Press, 2008
A theological and biblical examination of hospitality and the role of the church and its members to offer welcome as God offers welcome.
Live to Tell: Evangelism for a Postmodern Age by Brad J. Kallenberg
Brazos Press, 2002
An exploration of the implications for evangelism in the postmodern era of relativity. The author utilizes real stories of witness in the postmodern era. Good resource for understanding the new demands on sharing the Gospel.
Lay Leaders and Lay Speakers Resources, Discipleship Resources, UMC
Lay Speaking Ministries: Basic Course by John P. Gilbert and Nancy C. Zoller
Lay Speakers Preach by John P. Gilbert
Lay Speakers Lead Bible Study: Advanced Course by Evelyn Laycock
Lay Speakers Cultivate Christian Community: Advanced Course by Thomas R. Hawkins
Lay Speaker Tell Stories: Advanced Course by Ray Buckley
Lay Speakers are Accountable Disciples: Advanced Course by Steven W. Manskar
Lay Speakers are Servant Leaders: Advanced Course by Thomas R. Hawkins
Lay Speakers Teach Adults: Advanced Course by Diana L. Hynson
You Can Lead Evangelism by Roger K. Swanson and Shirley F. Clement
Lay Speaking Ministries: Youth Basic Course by Mark Young
The Christian as Minister: An Exploration Into the Meaning of Gods Call edited by Robert F. Kohler and Sharon Rubey, General Board of Higher Education and Ministry 2006
A study guide for individuals thinking about entering into ministry as a profession.
Church Organizational Guidelines Discipleship Resources, UMC
Small Group Ministries: Where two or three are gathered
Small Membership Church: Creating effective ministries in your church
Church Council: Connecting vision and ministry in your church
Stewardship: Yes, its about money, but a whole lot more using Gods resources responsibly
Guidelines 2009-2012 from Cokesbury
These small books (and CD-Rom kept at the office) are used by the United Methodist Church for organizing various parts of the ministry. These include helpful suggestions for small membership churches and any church in organizing itself for mission and ministry.
Training Resources
Enclircled in Care: A training for pastoral visitors and all who offer care in the church and community, Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes, The Methodist Church of Britain 2007
A training course with 3 foundational sessions on caring and addition resources on cross generational work, work with children and youth, health and well-being, mental health issues, loss and bereavement issues and domestic abuse.
Resources to use with Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations (Schnase)
Cultivating Fruitfulness: Five Weeks of Prayer and Practice for Congregations by Robert Schnase
Abingdon Press, 2008
A collection of writings for five weeks of daily devotion and prayer for personal, family or small group use based on the Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations: Radical Hospitality, passionate Worship, Intentional Faith Development, Risk-Taking Mission and Service, and Extravagant Generosity.
Five Practices: Passionate Worship
Five Practices: Extravagant Hospitality
Five Practices: Risk-Taking Mission and Service
Five Practices: Intentional Faith Development
Five Practices: Radical Hospitality
By Robert Schnase, Abingdon Press 2008
Workbooks for each of the Five Practices each addressing what the Bible says, how to define the term and what congregations can do. Includes planning sheets.
Bible Study
Voices from the Margin: Interpreting the Bible in the Third World Revised and Expanded Third Edition edited by R.S. Sugirtharajah
Orbis Press Maryknoll, New York 2006.
A collection of essays inviting the reader into new understandings of the Bible from persons around the world.
Global Bible Commentary Daniel Patte, General Editor
Abingdon Press, 2004.
A contextual commentary written by persons from diverse areas around the world in light of the intersection of their faith and specific social, economic, cultural and religious contexts.
Then and Now: Bible Map Transparencies Rose Publishing
Maps from Biblical times with overlays of the modern-day cities and countries.
Rediscovering Paul by Michael J. Gorman
Michael Gorman is one of the best known Pauline scholars. This book is written especially for the lay readers and students wanting to understand Paul as one who speaks for God and to us. Special focus is placed on the themes of cross and resurrection, multiculturalism, and peacemaking and nonviolence as the way of Christ.
The Practice of Preaching: Revised Edition by Paul Scott Wilson
Abingdon Press, 2007
This book gives both practical insights for preaching as well as theological depth to the act of preaching and the content of the sermon. It sets forth a weekly plan for completing a sermon. The book is useful for clergy as well as lay speakers/preachers.